30 计算机安全日 Computer Security Day
We all need to take Computer Security Day seriously. Imagine how much important stuff is on your computer. Imagine if it all suddenly disappeared. What would happen if your passwords ended up in the wrong hands? The Association for Computer Security Day started this event in 1988. It hoped to raise awareness of the importance of security issues. It also wanted to encourage people to think more about their computers and information. Officially, CSD is on November the 30th. However, if this is a weekend, many companies and organizations hold their events on the next working day. More than 50 countries actively participate in this day, distributing posters and holding workshops.
Information is key to survival and success in today’s connected world. A top information protection agency stressed: “Information is among a business’s greatest assets…It is crucial to make information security a high priority and to make employees aware of the important role they play in strengthening the organization’s security.” The Association for Computer Security Day website suggests over 50 ways for companies to keep their info more secure. These include practical things, like installing smoke alarms in computer rooms, to common sense measures, such as staff regularly changing their passwords and backing up their data. One interesting idea is to: “Declare an amnesty day for computer security violators who wish to reform.”
计算机安全日(Computer Security Day)始于1988年,致力于帮助人们增强计算机安全意识,同时提醒人们注意保护好个人的计算机和信息。