11 光明节 Diwali
Diwali is the Hindu New Year festival and the biggest occasion in the Hindu calendar. It is also celebrated by Sikhs and Jains. It is called the festival of lights because it celebrates the victory of good (light) over evil (darkness). The name of the festival comes from the Sanskrit word dipavali, which means row of lights. Lights play an important role in Diwali. Throughout the five-day celebration, Hindus place special, decorative lights in their temples and homes. There are also lots of colourful fireworks displays. In India people make small lamps and try to float them across the Ganges river. It brings good luck if the lamp manages to get all the way across. Children love it because of the lights and because they get sweets from adults.
There are two legends of Diwali in which Hindu gods overcome evil. In one, Lord Krishna killed the evil demon king of Pragjyotishpur to set free 16,000 daughters of the gods. The second legend has the Hindu king Rama destroying Ravana, the wicked ten-armed, ten-headed king of Sri Lanka. Ravana kidnapped Rama’s wife for 14 years. Many Hindus love these mythical stories. The Times of India newspaper, however, summed up the modern meaning of Diwali: “Regardless of the mythological explanation…what the festival of lights really stands for today is a reaffirmation of hope, a renewed commitment to friendship and goodwill, and a…celebration of the simple - and some not so simple - joys of life.”
排灯节(Diwali Festival,也叫光明节)是印度的重要节日。在每年的这一天,烟火和各种节日的灯会照亮黑暗的夜晚,这是全世界约10亿印度人在庆祝排灯节,这是世界上最广泛庆祝的节日之一,在印度、尼泊尔等,它甚至是全国性的节日。人们庆祝排灯节为期5天,不同种族、宗教的人都会热烈同庆,是印度全国性的重大庆典。通常举办在每年的10月底至11月底之间,在印度历8月朔望月的月末,即在印度阴历的最后一个月的最后一天。
排灯节又称为“屠妖节(Deepavali)”, 是正义战胜邪恶, 光明战胜黑暗的日子.排灯节与几个印度的神话有关,这些神话讲的是正义战胜非正义、光明战胜黑暗的故事。排灯节最普遍为人所知的故事是:根据印度史诗罗摩衍那,罗摩神背井离乡14年之后, 终于在神猴的帮助下, 战胜掠走他妻子悉多的十头魔王拉瓦那,重返故国印度最古老的城市阿约提亚。为了庆祝国王的回归,国人点亮了数以千计的土灯,欢迎新王登基, 狂欢达旦。这个城市为国王的归来举行了盛大而欢乐的庆祝活动,它象征着国王的光芒。灯节的名字凸显了人们的欢乐。
庆祝排灯节的由来很多,这一天是吉祥女神拉希什米(Lakshmi)一年一度下凡的日子, 自然是庆典的高潮。 家家户户打扫庭除, 开大门, 张灯结彩, 迎接财神拉希什米的到来. 四手女神拉希什米手持莲花,拜者如云。拉希什米女神不仅代表财富, 智慧,运气, 也是美貌和生命力的象征。在这个节日里,要祭拜拉希什米女神。