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America Is Great

Given all the talk, courtesy of Donald Trump, of making America great again, I’ve been thinking about European greatness. One state, Great Britain, does of course have its greatness built in, but still the idea sits strangely.

拜唐纳德・特朗普(Donald Trump)所赐,到处是关于让美国恢复伟大荣光的说法,导致我也思考起欧洲的伟大来。其中一个国家――大不列颠――当然名字中就自带了这个字眼,不过这个概念还是显得格格不入。


Europe is done with greatness. It thinks greatness leads to trouble. It’s been great ― and suffered. The Great War (1914-18) killed about 8.5 million combatants and as many as 13 million civilians ― not so great, really. Before that, a million people or so died in Ireland’s Great Famine.


Great European empires unraveled, often in bloodshed. Several hundred thousand were killed before France left Algeria. Not so great, either. No wonder Great Britain is thinking of breaking itself up.


From Sweden to Sicily, greatness is looked at askance. It feels like a code word for bellicosity, self-delusion and shoot-from-the-hip hubris. It has a whiff of danger: far better to curtail ambition and embrace ordinariness. Better to be the face in the crowd than the face on the cover of Time magazine.


Still, here’s a possible slogan for the 2017 French presidential election: “Make France Great Again!” (I can hear the seismic rumble of dissent on the Rive Gauche already.)


How? By believing in God, to begin with. Belief in God leads to belief in God-given missions, which must be good by definition. Anticlericalism was the start of the unraveling of French greatness.


Or perhaps by sending a neo-Napoleonic army out across the Continent (even as far as Moscow but without that painful retreat); by instilling an entrepreneurial spirit; by banning moroseness through decree; by restoring the scandal-tainted presidency to the monarchical splendor envisaged by De Gaulle; by scrapping the 35-hour work week; by getting tough on something (possibly immigration); by manufacturing multicolored campaign hats that say, “La France, Terre Éternelle de Grandeur” ― “France, Eternal land of Greatness.”

或者是派遣一支新拿破仑主义的军队,跋山涉水地远征(乃至跑到莫斯科,不过要避免那痛苦的撤退);塑造创业精神;颁布法令禁绝伤春悲秋;把丑闻迭出的总统府恢复到戴高乐设想的君临天下的模样;废除35小时工作制;在某个议题上强硬起来(比如移民问题);推出色彩艳丽的竞选帽,上书“La France, Terre Éternelle de Grandeur”――“法兰西,永恒的伟大之地。”

That should do it! Would be great.


Or how about, “Let’s Make Italy Great Again!” It’s hard to know where to begin, really. Italian interest in greatness is about as deep as its interest in swapping its cuisine for neighboring Albania’s. Greatness: Been there, done that, a couple of millennia ago.


A first step might be reviving gladiatorial combat at Rome’s Colosseum, or making the trains run on time (again), or abandoning the consolations of style and beauty for the thrill of shock and awe, or, of course, manufacturing chic “La Grandezza Italiana” (“Italian Greatness”) campaign caps.

第一步大概得是恢复在罗马斗兽场的角斗活动,或者让火车(再次)准点,或是抛弃时髦漂亮的虚名,代之以穷兵黩武的威慑。当然了,还可以推出时尚的“La Grandezza Italiana”(“意大利伟大荣光”)的竞选帽。

“Make Italy Great” is going to be a tough sell.


Then, of course, there’s Luxembourg.


No, greatness is America’s thing now, the recurrent frisson of a still-frisky power not deflated even by two wars without victory. Ronald Reagan, who also had striking hair, declared more than three decades ago, “Let’s Make America Great Again.” Trump is more peremptory, as befits a man of bullying inclination. “Make America Great Again.”

不,伟大如今可是美国的事了,是这个仍然劲头十足的国度经久不衰的兴奋点,就连两场无功而返的战争都没法打压。30多年前,同样拥有令人印象深刻的头发的罗纳德・里根(Ronald Reagan)宣布,“让我们令美国恢复伟大荣光。”特朗普当下的语气更为逼人,倒是符合他横行霸道的性格。“让美国恢复伟大荣光。”

He’s doing great with it. He’s identified a genuine need. There’s work to do on American greatness.


I’m not sure, but I think it was while sitting on the Seventh Avenue express of the New York City subway looking at a map that helpfully showed stops for the Lexington Avenue line, when water started dripping on my head from the subway car ceiling and an inaudible announcement was made, that I realized I was back in the greatest nation on earth.


Or was it as I gazed at a man channeling his bristling defiance into the occupation of three subway seats rather than one, or as I listened to voices much louder and more assertive than they needed to be, or as I struggled to identify a station with no visible sign naming it, or as the temperature in the subway elevator hit 100 degrees Fahrenheit, that the thought hit me that America was indeed the greatest nation on earth?


I cannot say when America being the greatest nation on earth really sunk in. It might have been as I walked along a garbage-strewn street in Queens beneath a bridge so corroded it seemed not of the last century but of the one before that. Or as I peeled small stickers off fruit and vegetables (I’d forgotten in Europe about those pesky little charmers) while listening to Trump confuse Iran’s Quds force with the Kurds. Every foreign war ― and plenty loom if there’s a Trump presidency ― is an American geography lesson.


America may be great, in fact I would argue it is, but it sure doesn’t look great right now. Europe looks better but is shrunken within.


Europe’s divisions, endlessly pored over, amount in the end to what Sigmund Freud called “the narcissism of minor differences.” The Continent is united in the rejection of greatness, while the United States cannot picture itself without it.

欧洲的分歧被人反复咀嚼,最后变成了西格蒙德・弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)口中的“微小差异的自恋”。欧洲大陆如今一致将伟大拒之门外,而美国却无法想象自己放弃伟大。