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  • 词友们一共贡献了 415 条词条!

    1. 卡布克罗人(巴西的美洲印第安人后裔)  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-31   我要补充/纠错
    2. 提交日期:2008-07-31   我要补充/纠错
    3. 神智清醒  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-28   我要补充/纠错
    4. 提交日期:2008-07-28   我要补充/纠错
    5. civilized methods of law enforcement  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-28   我要补充/纠错
    6. 提交日期:2008-07-28   我要补充/纠错
    7. 赢利企业。 Concern 在该习语中作名词,意思是“商行,企业”;go指“上涨。增涨”。A going concern是指“活跃或繁荣的企业或机构等”,意即“赢利企业,正在前进的企业”。  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-28   我要补充/纠错
    8. 演藝人員假裝成一般人所傳達的行銷訊息。 例句: Then, there's the "roach bait" technique. Under this scenario, the paid huckster doesn't necessarily buy a drink for others. He's often found sitting in a prime spot at a bar or club, very visibly drinking Brand X. He talks up the brand big-time in the hope the good word will spread. (USA Today,今日美國報) 其他: 名詞。這個片語原本的意思是放在蟑螂屋 (roach motels) 裡面的毒餌。當有蟑螂進入蟑螂屋時,該蟑螂的身體將染毒,當牠回到蟑螂窩時,牠身上的毒便擴散開來,毒死...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-26   我要补充/纠错
    9. 生殖遺傳學 (利用遺傳學技術來改變或控制生殖過程)。 例句: Without providing a shred of evidence, the Raelian cult made headlines with sensational claims of creating cloned babies. Far less attention is being paid to well-documented advances that will soon give us the power to create people with chosen genetic qualities, thus altering the course of human evolution. Although human genetic manipulation, which focuses on altering select genes — sometimes called reprogenetics — is still in early sta...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-26   我要补充/纠错
    10. 利用關係和交情來進行的募款。 名詞。 慈善機構的一種募款方式;它們與富有的可能捐款人建立長期關係和交情,如安排他們參與該機構的活動。  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-26   我要补充/纠错
    11. 從市區搬到市郊或鄰近城鎮以便購買較大房子的人。 例句: For Los Angeles workers who have given up on ever affording a home there, where the median cost is $220,000, the $160,000 median price for a two-story, three-bedroom, two-bath house in Palmdale looks attractive. Real estate refugees from Los Angeles have turned Palmdale and the surrounding Antelope Valley into a vast bedroom community. (Chicago Tribune,芝加哥論壇報 )  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-26   我要补充/纠错
    12. 青年危機。二十來歲年輕人 -- 尤其是在完成學業後 -- 對人生的迷惑、自我懷疑及焦慮感。 例句: This year an estimated 200,000 young people will embark on gap-year travels — not just school and college leavers leaping off the academic hamster wheel, but a growing number of restless twenty-somethings suffering from the 'quarterlife crisis'. ( The Daily Telegraph,每日電訊報 ) 其他: 名詞。這個片語顯然是取材自於 1965 年 成為英文用語的 midlife crisis (中年危機)。...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-26   我要补充/纠错
    13. 以金錢及其他資源供應某家公司。 例句: While the layoffs are intended to reduce operating costs, Apple said it trimmed its technology portfolio to streamline development efforts. "Time to market is very important to me," Amelio said. "With the narrowing of our focus, we can put more wood behind the arrow." (MacWeek,麥金塔週刊)  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-26   我要补充/纠错
    14. 丈夫或男友送給甫產下他們小孩的太太或女友的禮物。 例句: A trend is born : Post-delivery room, dads are being nudged to give "push presents," largely lavish gifts that reward wives for their delivery-room derring-do. (USA Today, 今日美國報) 其他: 名詞 (口語)。亦叫做 "push gift",但這不若 "push present" 常用。  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-26   我要补充/纠错
    15. 哄抬股價,逢高賣出。 其他: 動詞。pump-and-dump (adj.),pumping and dumping (n.)。 這是美國投資界的用語,原本是指少數證券分析師廉價購入股票,接著在報紙文章和電視或電台廣播中吹捧他們手中的股票 (當然別人不知道他們買了這些股票) 來拉抬股價 (這個動作叫做 pump),然後在股價上揚時賣出持股 (叫做 dump),但現在則指任何人為的炒作行為。  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-26   我要补充/纠错
    16. 會外會;與會國的領袖、官員或外交官在正式會議以外的時間所舉行的非正式會議。 例句: The speeches from the podium are only one aspect of the diplomatic convocation, which will comprise thousands of bilateral meetings, regional conferences and focused but informal "pull-asides" for leaders to exchange views on specific subjects. (The Washington Times,華盛頓時報)  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-26   我要补充/纠错
    17. 名詞。既然資歷不在能保證有工作,專家建議你應該發展範圍廣泛的有用技能或專長,就像投資組合 (portfolio) 一樣,這樣你就可以自由職業者 (freelance) 的身份同時為數名雇主工作,或者在一名雇主下工作,不管他怎樣把你調動,你都能接受工作上的挑戰,應付自如,稱心如意。  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-26   我要补充/纠错
    18. 繞太陽軌道運行、形狀近似球體、與太陽的距離比海王星 (Neptune) 還要遠的天體 (celestial body)。 例句: Pluto is finally getting its day in the sun, after being stripped of planetary status by astronomers two years ago. From now on all similar distant bodies in the solar system will be called "plutoids." That's the decision by the International Astronomical Union, which met last week in Oslo, Norway, and announced the decision Wednesday (June 11, 2008). (The Associated Press, 美聯社) 其他: 名詞。 根...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-26   我要补充/纠错
    19. 最近失業者 (尤指因網路公司倒閉或裁員而失業的人) 所舉行的集會。 例句: Failure chic has spawned a cottage industry of failurenalia. Academics are writing books about failing. The VH-1 and E! Entertainment cable channels have shown programs about it. An Internet marketing firm called Thehiredguns.com sponsors pink-slip parties where casualties can get together and "dot-commiserate." (The New York Times,紐約時報) 其他: 名詞。pink slip:解雇通知單。...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-26   我要补充/纠错
    20. 成人頻道 (色情有線頻道) 防止非訂戶收看的干擾信號。 例句: "We haven't seen him much since he discovered he can get the Picasso porn version of the Playboy channel."  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-07-26   我要补充/纠错
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