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  • 词友们一共贡献了 415 条词条!

    1. Deserialize  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-17   我要补充/纠错
    2. 肾结石  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-17   我要补充/纠错
    3. 词性及解释 稀有的时期; 千载难逢的机会 常用短语 once in a blue moon: 千载难逢 例句 I see her once in a blue moon. 我难得看到她. If the river overflows its banks, the garden gets flooded; but that only happens once in a blue moon. 河水一旦泛滥,这片园子就会淹没,但这种情况极为罕见。 Barry only visits his parents once in a blue moon. 巴里很难得去看望他父母一次。  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-17   我要补充/纠错
    4.   词性及解释 n. 指的是政府或私营机构专门安排那些工作无能,又不能开除的人聚集的地方。 例句 The man is so incompetent we'd like to fire him. But he has good political connections so we sent him to our turkey farm out in Denver where he can't cause much damage." 那个人实在无能,我们很想解雇他。但是他和一些政界人物关系很好,所以我们就把他送到丹佛那个机构里去,那样他就不能再起多大破坏作用了。 There is a secretary in my office who tries to do as little as possible. I have warned her several times. I...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-17   我要补充/纠错
    5. cross-border raids 词性及解释 n. 例句 Pakistan's military chief lashed out at the United States over cross-border raids by American troops from Afghanistan and said his country's sovereignty will be defended "at all cost." 巴基斯坦陆军参谋长强烈谴责美军从阿富汗境内向其领土发起的越境袭击,并表示要不惜一切代价捍卫本国主权。 cross-border raid就是“越境袭击”的意思,有时候也译做“跨境袭击”;cross-border这个词的应用很广,像cross-border family(跨境家庭),cross-border investment(跨境投资),cross-border transac...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-17   我要补充/纠错
    6. 覆盖在整个脸上,下颚轮廓清晰、硬朗,没有嘴巴,但配有很多装饰物的面具  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-16   我要补充/纠错
    7. part-work and part-study system (idiom) work and study 例句: 很多大学生在校期间就一直勤工俭学,毕业后开始拼命地还款。 Many students get part time jobs during college and start to pay back their debt after graduation. 假如需要应该向家人要一些,但也可通过勤工俭学去挣得费用. If need to should want to family a few, but also can earn fee through part-work and part-study system. 在我勤工俭学完成学业的过程中,我做过许多我宁愿忘记的工作。 In the course of working my way through school, I took many jobs I ...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-13   我要补充/纠错
    8. 英语学习网站之一,与24EN、普特、旺旺等构成国内主流英语学习网站  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-10   我要补充/纠错
    9. n.铬(24号元素,一种金属);铬黄;铬合金 v.镀铬;色彩增加,获得色彩 【网络】Google浏览器,又称Google Chrome,是一个由Google(谷歌)公司开发的开放原始码网页浏览器。本软体的程式码是基於其他开放原始码软体所撰写,包括WebKit和Mozilla,目标是提升稳定性、速度和安全性,并创造出简单且有效率的使用者界面[1]。软体的名称是来自於又称作「Chrome」的网路浏览器图形使用者界面(GUI)。 软体的beta测试版本在2008年9月2日释出,提供43种语言版本,目前仅适用於Windows平台。Mac OS X和Linux版本正在研发中,并将於日後推出[2][3][4]。...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-10   我要补充/纠错
    10. Sichuan University  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-10   我要补充/纠错
    11. creative industries Creativity Industry  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-10   我要补充/纠错
    12. 涂石灰; 施石灰; 施用石灰; 灰浸 liming 在通常的解释是撒石灰的意思,但在加勒比地区的英语国家主要是集一下单词的一体词:chatting,dancing,drinking,killing time的总称  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-10   我要补充/纠错
    13. 词性及解释 n. substitute teacher 例句 Substitute teachers will have a mixed future in Guangdong. 广东省的代课教师今后的道路将是喜忧参半。 substitute teacher就是“代课教师”的英文表达,维基百科上面对substitute teacher的定义是:a person who teaches a school class when the regular teacher is unavailable (e.g., because of illness, personal leave, or other reasons),从这里我们也看到,“正式在编教师”的英文表达就是regular teacher。不过,不同的国家对“代课教师”的说法也不尽相同,我们这里所说的substitute teacher...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-09   我要补充/纠错
    14. 词性及解释 n. illegal fund-raising 例句 湖南开始彻查一起波及12家公司的非法集资案,该案件曾导致部分群众上访并聚集在接到、火车站,造成交通瘫痪及火车延误。 Local authorities in Hunan started probing into 12 companies involved in illegal fund-raising cases after a dispute led to lender's demonstration,blocking roads and railways.  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-09   我要补充/纠错
    15. lod 
      表达试的自然对数  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-08   我要补充/纠错
    16. (阿尔卑斯山下的小城)策马特  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-06   我要补充/纠错
    17. 生源地助学贷款 locally-granted student loan (China will promote locally-granted student loans across the nation when the new school semester starts in September. The new policy allows poverty-stricken students to apply for special loans at their hometown before they enter college. An individual student will be granted a maximum of RMB6000 for each year to cover their tuition and accommodation fees. 9月临近,新学年即将开始。教育部、财政部等共同开展的生源地助学贷款今秋开学起将向全国推广。按这一...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-05   我要补充/纠错
    18. 眼保健操 eye exercises (Primary and middle school students in Beijing will practise new eye exercises from this fall semester. The new version, based on traditional Chinese medical treatment, cancels the massaging of "Jingming" points which are located on both sides of the nasal bridge, to protect eyes from infection by hands. Instead, points on the ear lobes will be massaged, with toes bending. 《2008年新版眼保健操》将于新学年开始在北京市各中小学校使用。新版眼保健操根据中医经络理论编制,取消...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-05   我要补充/纠错
    19. 学杂费 school sundry fees (School sundry fees for primary and middle school students in urban areas will be waived starting from today, when the fall semester begins, according to a resolution by the State Council. 据国务院决议,从2008年秋季学期开始,即今日起,在全国范围内全部免除城市义务教育阶段学生学杂费。)  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-05   我要补充/纠错
    20. 谢亚龙下课 Sack Xie Yalong (After an Olympic break, the Chinese Super League matches resumed Saturday with okay tickets sales but embarrassing jeers from certain crowds. Fans in Chengdu and Xi'an attracted attention shouting "Sack Xie Yalong". Xie has been called to resign as the head of Chinese Football Association after China's national team was disqualified for the 2010 World Cup Finals and the Olympic squad's poor performance in August. 8月底,中超联赛结束间歇期重新开战,球市并不像人预想的低...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-09-05   我要补充/纠错
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