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    1. n. A marketing campaign aimed at a specific ZIP code or postal region. Also: zip-code marketing. Example Citation: An Olathe marketing firm will commemorate its 25th anniversary with an open house this week. Ruf Strategic Solutions plans its celebration from 3 to 6 p.m. Friday at 1533 E. Spruce St. ... The firm's milestones include partnering with Martin Baier, known as the father of zip code marketing. —Linda Cruse, "Marketing firm will celebrate 25 years," Kansas City Star, July 25, 2001 ...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    2. n. A person who writes, edits, and publishes a zine; a person who reads only zines. Also: 'zinester. Example Citations: In addition to excerpts from dozens of zines, the authors offer how-tos for would-be zinesters on raising money, distribution, the pros and cons of collaboration and more. —Booth Moore, "The Macro View of Micro-Publishing," The Los Angeles Times, November 3, 1998 Zine culture, more than most previous cognates, is an inherently shattered culture — it's only defining chara...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    3. adj. 1. Relating to a computer security vulnerability that is exploited before the vulnerability is known to security experts. 2. Relating to information obtained or discovered before it is publicly available. Also: zero day, 0day. Example Citations: Security and vulnerability tracking companies' reactions were more dramatic: they immediately raised alert levels, both because the flaw was an unpatched "zero-day" bug, and also because exploits were already out and about. Danish security compan...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    4. adj. Relating to a highly motivated employee who has few personal responsibilities and so can work long hours, travel frequently, or be called in to work with little notice. 无拖累的(未婚、无子女、可以经常加班出差等员工)。 周玉亮 首译 Example Citation: "The ideal zero-drag employee is young, unmarried and childless with no responsibilities and an eagerness to do well." —Diane E. Lewis, "Wedded to workplace," The Boston Globe, March 11, 2001 Earliest Citation: Everything is faster. Zero drag...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    5. v. To spin a story by not doing any spinning at all. Example Citation: "The benefits of spin were being canceled out by the press's resistance to it. Often we reacted by spinning even harder, but I was beginning to see the virtue in just letting stories go—Zen spin." —George Stephanopoulos, All Too Human  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    6. n. An incoming e-mail message without any body text or attachments. Example Citation: "Most people get annoyed when they receive an empty e-mail message ('What clueless luser sent me *this*!'), but Zeke rather enjoyed them and looked upon them as Zen mail—the perfect meditation object." Related Words: barfmail fright mail webmail Category: E-mail  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    7. humanitarian relief humanitarian aid 近年来,亚丁湾、索马里海域频繁发生海盗袭击、劫持过往船舶事件。海盗问题已成为一大国际公害。今年发生多起中国籍或中资外籍船舶被海盗劫持事件,中国船舶和人员的安全面临严重威胁。因此中国政府已决定派遣海军舰艇赴亚丁湾、索马里海域护航。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Their major task is to protect the safety of Chinese ships and crew on board as well as ships carrying humanitarian relief material for the international organizations such as the United Nations World Food Progr...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    8. development bottleneck 金融危机来了,国外资产大幅缩水,国内企业是否应该进行海外并购也成为人们热议的话题。在本周一《人民日报》刊发的文章中,相关人士表示,这次经济危机也可以成为企业发展的契机,应鼓励企业尤其是能源等有战略重要性的部门在力所能及的范围内进行海外并购。 请看《中国日报》的报道: He said the government should take the opportunity to remove the long-existing energy and resource "development bottleneck". 他说政府应抓住机会消除长期存在的能源和资源“发展瓶颈”。 Development bottleneck就是我们所说...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    9. 据报道,目前大约有3万马来西亚人非法居留在英国而不愿回国。为此,马来西亚驻英国高级特使正在积极努力使这些人尽早返回本国。马来西亚人一直享受6个月免签证赴英旅游的优惠政策,而这些非法滞留人员的存在使得英国开始考虑是否要对其恢复签证制度。 请看新华社的报道: The British government reportedly has introduced a voluntary repatriation program to offer one-way tickets for overstayers, including Malaysians, to send them back home. 据称,英国政府已经推出一项自愿遣返计划,为包括马来西亚人在内的那些非法居留人员提供单程...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    10. Currency swap 12月24日举行的国务院常务会议传出消息,广东与港澳地区的货物贸易可进行人民币结算试点,这令外贸人士非常惊喜,而香港则有望成为中国的人民币结算中心。 请看《中国日报》的报道: The mainland signed a currency swap deal with Hong Kong on Nov 20. Earlier this year, the government also gave the go-ahead to let Chinese banks issue yuan-denominated bonds in Hong Kong. 大陆与香港于今年11月20日签订了货币互换协议。今年年初,政府还曾释出放行信号,允许银行在香港发行人民币债券。 Currency swap就是我们所说的...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    11. “问题奶粉”事件的主角、饱受谴责的三鹿集团已严重资不抵债。石家庄三鹿集团日前表示,已经收到石家庄市中级人民法院受理破产清算申请民事裁定书。至此,身陷“毒奶”风波的三鹿集团正式进入破产程序。 请看媒体报道: Shijiazhuang city government said this morning that Sanlu is going into bankruptcy proceedings with a total debt of 2.66 billion yuan ($388 million) against assets valued at 1.56 billion yuan. 石家庄市政府今天上午称,三鹿集团已进入破产程序。集团总负债26.6亿元人民币(合3.88亿美元),总资产15.6亿元人民币。 ...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    12. n. 富裕病 (因财富过多而引起的精神病态) n. An extreme form of materialism in which consumers overwork and accumulate high levels of debt to purchase more goods (affluence + influenza). Example Citation: Our society is more troubled by problems of overabundance. We are three times richer than in the 1950s, and diseases particular to "affluenza" clog our social and individual arteries. We are more overworked, more stressed, more depressed and much fatter. ... Critiques of affluenza go deeper ...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    13. n. 网络草根运动 (周玉亮 首译)通过互联网交流、组织、筹集经费等开展的草根运动。 A grassroots movement that uses the Internet to communicate, organize, and raise money. Also: Netroots. Example Citations: Democratic congressional candidate Darcy Burner ... followed her husband to Washington state in 1998 when he was hired at Microsoft; she landed a job there in 2000, working as a marketing manager dealing in network architecture for software developers. ... What has made Burner different from ot...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    14. n. Philanthropy that uses the principles, models, and techniques of capitalism. Also: philanthro-capitalism. [Blend of philanthropy and capitalism.] —philanthrocapitalist n. Example Citations: Much of the strength of the philanthrocapitalism movement lies in the effort to remodel the philanthropic paradigm, and to offer a new vocabulary, a new mind-set, and new mechanisms for approaching traditional work. Reform of the philanthropic sector was, no doubt, long overdue. But the risk of advo...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    15. noun 过劳一族 A segment of society in which the chief characteristic is the desire or need to work long hours. "Before too long, the idea of the 'working class' will vanish and society will split into two camps: the overworking class —people with too much on their plate—and the underworking class—people with not enough to keep them busy."  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    16. short of money 金融危机席卷全球,越来越多的公司企业感到经济拮据,有些甚至已经开始通过裁员和精简部门设置来改善当前的经济状况。在这样的大环境下,作为小职员的我们自然也是银包缩水,With the spread of global financial crisis, people in our country also feel the pinch. Feel the pinch这个短语一般都用来形容财政困难,手头拮据等状况,作此解释也是源于pinch这个词有“困境、困苦”等意思。If someone is short of money or feeling restricted in some other way, they are feeling the pinch. 再看一个例子: Shopkeepers are beg...  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    17. 无固定期限合同 open-ended contract (The labor law makes the use of written contracts mandatory and encourages open-ended contracts to protect the rights of workers. 《新劳动合同法》规定,为保护劳动者的合法权益,企业必须与劳动者签订书面合同,并鼓励签订无固定期限合同。) 来源:www.24en.com  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-30   我要补充/纠错
    18. New Year's Film  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-29   我要补充/纠错
    19. cabinet lineup (US President-elect Barack Obama named 4 members for his administration Friday, completing his cabinet lineup ahead of the Christmas holiday. 美国当选总统奥巴马19日宣布4项官员提名,在圣诞节到来之前确定了全部内阁成员人选。) 来源:www.24en.com  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-29   我要补充/纠错
    20. rabies(Bali administration reported it had vaccinated 9,000 dogs in an effort to control a recent outbreak of rabies in the island. 巴厘岛当局开始对约9千条狗采取注射疫苗等方法全力防止疫情蔓延。)  [查看更多]
      提交日期:2008-12-29   我要补充/纠错
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