误译:Such high housing prices have rendered me a house slave.
正译:Such high housing prices have rendered me a mortgage slave.
解释:不可将house slave译成“房奴”。House slave 与field slave形成对比,指当年美国从事家务劳动的黑奴,即“家奴”;而field slave是从事农耕劳动的黑奴,即“田奴”。
“房奴”的意思是“按揭购房者”。英语可以译为mortgage slave。例如:1、房奴一词被用来描述那些按揭还款超过月薪一半的人。Mortgage slave is adopted to describe those people whose mortgage payment is more than half of their monthly salary. 2、约翰是个心力交瘁的房奴,挣扎着在压力大的职业、不愉快的婚姻和四个小孩的需求之前争取平衡。John is a stressed mortgage slave, struggling to balance a high-pressure career, an unhappy marriage and the demands of four small children.
西方有钱人除了买房和买车,还买游艇或帆船。Mortgage-slave 的本义是“按揭购买者”,除了“房奴”,也可以指“车奴”或“船奴”。例如:3、他把自己描述为他的公寓的房奴和他的汽车的车奴。He described himself as a mortgage slave to his apartment and car.
4、我想你只是一个买帆船给你的邻居们留下好印象的船奴。I think you are just a mortgage slave buying boats to impress your neighbours.
Mortgage(按揭)是一种购房或购物的贷款方式,以所购房屋或物品为抵押向银行贷款,然后分期偿还。例如:5、我以我的新居为抵押得到了一笔固定利率的按揭贷款。I’ve got a fixed-rate mortgage on my new home.