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- number is up 在武侠小说和言情剧里面,主角每次大难临头的时候,总会有个高人/帅哥出来相救。可是我们平凡人就不会有那么好的运气了,所以只能乞求不会有灾难降临。今天我们来学习一个“大难临头”的俗语表达。 这个俗语就是number is up。很奇怪是吧?它起源于一次大战期间军队里的行话,说“His number is up”,意思就是“他阵亡了”。这里的number是指军人的番号。现在这个片语的意思拓展了,表示“One is in grave difficulty or near death”,就是说“某人处在非常困难的境地,或是要死了”,比如: For 30 years our congressman has done a pretty good job in Washington. But this time I think his number is up - he has a smart young man running against him with a lot of new ideas. 这人当选国会议员已经三十年了,政治生涯一直不错,但是这次我想他是大难临头了——一个干练又富有创新思想的年青人和他争夺竞选议员。 这段话里his number is up意思是“他的政治生涯完蛋了”,换句话说就是他大难临头了。 Number is up 还表示“要死了”: He looks terrible; I think his number's up. 他看起来很糟糕,我想他快要死了。 希望大家都不要碰到 number is up那一天。
- 兄姐救星 -- 生下來提供臍帶血以挽救他們罹患絕症的哥哥或姊姊的嬰兒。 例句: Any move to make it easier to create a saviour sibling will anger campaigners who argue that genetic screening of embryos for "useful attributes" turns children into commodities. [Daily Mail,英國每日郵報 (1 Aug. 2007)] 其他: 名詞。這名詞於 2002 年首次出現在「醫學倫理期刊」(Journal of Medical Ethics),但最近才被廣泛使用。
- 電爐具有保溫或維持開啟狀態的功能。 例句: With the Sabbath Mode override, ovens will not shut off automatically, making it possible to keep cooked foods warm for consumption on the Sabbath or holiday. [Dayton Daily News,達頓每日新聞報 (俄亥俄州)] 其他: 名詞。由於最新的電爐都內建啟用數個鐘頭 (約12小時)後自動關閉的安全功能,但這對於需要長時間保持食物溫熱的人士反而造成極大的困擾。例如,猶太人在安息日 (Sabbath) 及其他猶太節日時禁止開爐 (或開啟任何電器用品),但允許使用已經開啟的爐子,因此需要具有 Sabbath mode 功能的電爐,好讓在節日前煮好的食物按照需要一直保持在某一特定的溫度,直到食用為止。
- X型經濟復甦。 例句: The U.S. Federal Reserve Board's decision Wednesday to cut interest rates appears to signify the Fed's determination to avoid, by all means, what U.S. economists call the "L-shaped" economic pattern, in which the economy hits a bottom followed by a protracted period of lateral movement along the trough. ... As to the U.S. economic outlook, business circles in that country have given up on the prospect of a "V-shaped" recovery, in which the economy rebounds quickly from a slowdown. Business leaders have even grown uncertain about the possibility of a "U-shaped" recovery, in which the economy recovers after a certain period of adjustment. (The Daily Yomiuri,讀賣新聞 --日本) 其他: 名詞。此為這波全球經濟不景氣中所創造出來的一個新名詞,但以英文字母的形狀來表示經濟走勢的作法並不新奇。事實上,U-shaped 和 V-shaped 的用法至少可以追溯到 70 年代中期的經濟不景氣:"The prevailing view is still for a U-shaped recovery." ( Business Week,商業週刊—July 14, 1975)。
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