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  1. 圆顶龙
    提交日期:2008-07-19   我要补充/纠错
  2. 啃老族 NEET (英式英语“啃老族”) “NEET”是“Not Currently Engaged in Education, Employment or Training ”或“Not in Education, Employment or Training”的缩略语。 boomerang child/kid (美式英语“啃老族”) 相关资料: “啃老族”是当今紧张而忙碌生活的产物。有这样一个句子:这个啃老族已经30岁了,但仍然依靠他的父母生活。有人是这样翻译的: This Neet is already 30 years old but still lives on his parents. 其实严格地说,live on后面要跟sth,不跟sb;而live off后面可以跟sb或sth,意思分别是“靠什么人养活”和“靠什么活着”,目前还没有“live on sb”的搭配。例如:They live on a diet of bread and cheese.(他们靠吃面包和奶酪活着。)This unemployed worker lives on unemployment benefit.(这个失业工人靠失业救济金为生。) “啃老族”指既没有上学也没有就业或接受职业技能培训但必须依靠父母养活的青年人。在英国英语中,“NEET”指啃老族的一员,“NEET group”指啃老族群体。“NEET”是“Not Currently Engaged in Education, Employment or Training ”或“Not in Education, Employment or Training”的缩略语。美国英语则称之为“boomerang child/kid”。 Boomerang原指澳大利亚土著居民的飞镖。例如: An investigation indicates that about 70% of the unemployed young people in our country now live off their parents, thus becoming Neets.”(调查显示,我国目前约七成失业青年靠父母养活,因而成为啃老族。) In Japan, more and more young people have joined in the Neet group who neither go to collage nor go to work..”(越来越多的日本青年加入到既不上学又不工作的啃老族。) The boomerang child phenomenon has become a social problem on a nationwide scale.”(啃老族现象已成为全国性的社会问题。) 如果把“啃老族”翻译为adult dependent child是不妥的。“adult dependent child”的意思是“有心理缺陷或生理缺陷的需要抚养的成年子女”,比“啃老族”含义要宽泛。例如:An adult dependent child is one who is incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability.(一个需要抚养的成年子女是因为心理缺陷或生理缺陷而不能自理的人。)
    提交日期:2008-07-19   我要补充/纠错
  3. 句子:这么高的房价已将我沦为房奴。 误译:Such high housing prices have rendered me a house slave. 正译:Such high housing prices have rendered me a mortgage slave. 解释:不可将house slave译成“房奴”。House slave 与field slave形成对比,指当年美国从事家务劳动的黑奴,即“家奴”;而field slave是从事农耕劳动的黑奴,即“田奴”。 “房奴”的意思是“按揭购房者”。英语可以译为mortgage slave。例如: 1、房奴一词被用来描述那些按揭还款超过月薪一半的人。 Mortgage slave is adopted to describe those people whose mortgage payment is more than half of their monthly salary. 2、约翰是个心力交瘁的房奴,挣扎着在压力大的职业、不愉快的婚姻和四个小孩的需求之前争取平衡。 John is a stressed mortgage slave, struggling to balance a high-pressure career, an unhappy marriage and the demands of four small children. 西方有钱人除了买房和买车,还买游艇或帆船。Mortgage-slave 的本义是“按揭购买者”,除了“房奴”,也可以指“车奴”或“船奴”。例如: 3、他把自己描述为他的公寓的房奴和他的汽车的车奴。He described himself as a mortgage slave to his apartment and car. 4、我想你只是一个买帆船给你的邻居们留下好印象的船奴。I think you are just a mortgage slave buying boats to impress your neighbours. Mortgage(按揭)是一种购房或购物的贷款方式,以所购房屋或物品为抵押向银行贷款,然后分期偿还。例如: 5、我以我的新居为抵押得到了一笔固定利率的按揭贷款。I’ve got a fixed-rate mortgage on my new home.
    提交日期:2008-07-19   我要补充/纠错
  4. urban management officer/personnel 相关报道: The norms, written in the newly-made measures on how urban management officers should exercise their power and responsibilities, requires them to maintain "civilized language" and "dignified conduct" in the process of law enforcement, and bans any abuse of power or verbal and physical assault on others. 城管执法机关约束性法令首次明确了城管执法人员权限和责任,要求执法人员文明执法,仪容举止须严整端庄。严禁城管执法人员滥用职权,刁难、谩骂、殴打当事人。
    提交日期:2008-07-19   我要补充/纠错
  5. Spring Festival evening gala 相关英文报道: Determination paid off. Electricity was partly or fully restored to 164 snow-stricken counties, including Chenzhou city in Hunan Province, after workers reconnected local power lines to the national grid on Wednesday. Portable generators allowed other people to carry on the annual practice of watching the Spring Festival evening gala on China Central Television (CCTV) on Wednesday night.
    提交日期:2008-07-19   我要补充/纠错
  6. Goodwill Ambassador 相关网络报道: The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) announced on Monday that Chinese actress Zhou Xun was appointed as its first National Goodwill Ambassador with a special focus on promoting environmental sustainability. 本周一联合国开发计划署宣布,任命中国演员周迅为联合国开发计划署首位中国亲善大使,致力于推动环境的可持续发展。
    提交日期:2008-07-19   我要补充/纠错
  7. scalper (someone who buys something and resells it at a price far above the initial cost) speculative reselling of tickets 倒票 相关网络报道: Olympic ticket scalpers move in-Advertisements for the sale of Olympic tickets can be easily found online, but at a price. Many Beijing residents said they were disappointed with the speculative reselling of tickets. It was unfair to genuine sports fans. In response, organizers of the Beijing Games said speculative reselling was a breach of the law. 奥运门票黄牛党现身――在网上很容易就能搜到出售奥运门票的广告,只是价钱很高。很多北京市民表示他们对倒票行为感到失望。这对真正的体育爱好者来说是不公平的。北京奥运会组织者对此做出回应说倒票行为是违法的。
    提交日期:2008-07-19   我要补充/纠错
  8. hand-foot-mouth disease 英文报道中常用HFMD来简称此病。与其相关的表达有:sores in the mouth(口腔溃疡),rashes on hands and feet(手足疱疹),slight fever(低烧),blister(水泡)等 相关网络报道: The Ministry of Health warned that cases of hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) will possibly increase in the following months since June and July are the peak seasons for the disease. 卫生部发出预警信息表示,今后几个月手足口病的发病数量将有所增加,6、7月份为该病高发期。 HFMD, characterized by fever, sores in the mouth and rashes on hands and feet, is not a new infection and is common among infants and children, experts say. It can be triggered by various viruses and usually does not lead to death. 专家表示,手足口病是婴儿和儿童常见的一种疾病,典型的症状有:发热,口腔溃疡,以及手足疱疹等。有多种病毒可导致手足口病,一般不会致死。
    提交日期:2008-07-19   我要补充/纠错
  9. stand in silence就是“起立默哀”的意思,at half-mast是“降半旗”的意思,用在句子里我们可以说:Flags are at half-mast. /Flags are flying at half-mast. 请看《中国日报》的报道: Air raid sirens, and car, train and ship horns wailed and people stood for three minutes in silence yesterday to mourn the tens of thousands who died in last week's earthquake. 防空警报声响起,汽车、火车和舰船笛声哀鸣,人们肃立着为上周地震中的遇难者默哀3分钟。 Flags were flyingat half-mast across the country and all public entertainment has been suspended as the three-day mourning period started. The Olympic torch relay is also suspended during the period. 在为期三天的全国哀悼日期间,全国各地降半旗致哀,停止各类公共娱乐活动。此间暂停奥运火炬传递。
    提交日期:2008-07-19   我要补充/纠错
  10. spoof video spoof 自胡戈的一搞成名,网络上各种形式的"恶搞"瞬时铺天盖地--"鸟笼山剿匪记"、"闪闪的红星"等一部部恶搞短片泛滥成灾。不过,今后这些短片的传播将会受到限制,广电总局目前正在制订互联网视频新管理条例,主要对视频网站放任自流的违规现象进行"围剿"。 请看《中国日报》相关报道:New regulations are in the pipeline to regulate video content on the Internet in the wake of a surge in short satirical films online, according to the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. Video spoofs have become so popular that netizens have even coined a slang term, "egao," to describe the act of using real film clips to create mocking send-ups. 显然,报道中的"video spoof"就是互联网上铺天盖地的"恶搞"。 相对于"诽谤、诋毁等恶意行为","恶搞"的含义更中性一点,指"通过对公开发表的作品进行加工处理,以达到某种滑稽、幽默、搞笑的喜剧效果"。由此,报道中的spoof比较恰切地形容了恶搞"反摹,歪改"的内涵。 Spoof的诞生得归功于英国喜剧大师Arthur Roberts(亚瑟·罗伯茨),20世纪初他创作了一种Spoof喜剧形式,该剧融"滑稽、荒诞、讽刺和拙劣模仿"于一体。后spoof引申为"戏弄、哄骗、轻微的讽刺"等含义。 Spoof(恶搞)沿用了"滑稽模仿"这层意思,其近义词有parody,amusing imitation,send-up。看下面例句: The show successfully spoofs the TV programs and commercials. (这场表演通过模仿成功地讽刺了那些电视节目和商业广告。)
    提交日期:2008-07-19   我要补充/纠错