  1. neo ( 126 )
  2. xinci ( 78 )
  3. hunter ( 34 )
  4. xiyu ( 20 )
  5. Aaron ( 18 )
  6. sinple ( 11 )
  7. rain ( 9 )
  8. ly5230 ( 8 )
  9. apple ( 7 )
  10. more ( 6 )


  1. An ant may well destroy an entire dam.
    提交日期:2008-07-23   我要补充/纠错
  2. Help the needy but not the poor.
    提交日期:2008-07-23   我要补充/纠错
  3. Have a mouth as sharp as a dagger but a heart as soft as tofu.
    提交日期:2008-07-23   我要补充/纠错
  4. vt. 消耗,消费,消灭 vi. 消灭,毁灭
    提交日期:2008-07-23   我要补充/纠错
  5. 由不良睡眠習慣所引起的輕微但慢性的疲倦或倦怠。 例句: You slept last night, but was it the sleep you see in bed advertisements — calm slumber with a slight smile suggesting sweet dreams — or the toss and turn, frequent-waking, what-must-I-do-tomorrow brand? And when you woke, were you bushy-tailed or just bushed? Rest assured (if you can) you are not alone — there are millions of semisomniacs like you out there. And the combined effect of your drowsiness is having a huge impact, experts say, on the economy, productivity, public health and your personal wellbeing. The term semisomnia — describing people who do not sleep well and experience low-grade exhaustion — entered the lexicon late last year. (The West Australian, 西澳洲人報) 名詞。亦寫成 semi-somnia。semisomniac (n.):這種輕微但慢性疲倦的患者。cf. insomnia (n.):失眠症;insomniac (n.):失眠症患者。
    提交日期:2008-07-23   我要补充/纠错
  6. (讓顧客在無收銀員的協助下) 自行付費結帳的零售系統。 例句: Nearly a quarter of all supermarket chains offer self-checkout, up from only 6 percent in 1999, according to industry surveys. In stores that have the computerized kiosks, about half of the customers use them, a recent study by the Food Marketing Institute found. The retail research firm IHL Consulting Group projects that, with advancements in technology, self-checkout could be installed in 95 percent of checkout lanes by the end of the decade. All types of retailers are considering the systems — with Kmart Corp. and Kroger Co. recently placing huge orders for them — but grocery stores are leading the trend. (The Washington Post,華盛頓郵報) 名詞。隨著科技的精進,顧客與零售業者越來越缺乏互動。線上購物是最顯著的例子,但即使在現實世界中,銀行出納員 (bank tellers)、加油站加油員 (gas jockeys -- 一般常見的用語是 "gas station attendants") 及停車場收費員 (parking lot attendants) 均已成為零售業的「瀕臨絕種動物」。如果在不久的將來,百貨超市的收銀員 (cashiers) 也逐漸「滅絕」,屆時購物經驗可能變得很可怕!? 這個字亦可當形容詞用:self-checkout systems。
    提交日期:2008-07-23   我要补充/纠错
  7. 不運動死亡综合症(成天吃垃圾食物又很少或不運動所造成的死亡)。 例句: Being fat and out of shape now has a name — sedentary death syndrome. A professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia said he invented the term to drive home his point that, in the United States, even the Grim Reaper is flabby. Frank W. Booth hopes to use the coinage, which he shortens to SeDS, to make the public and the federal government pay more attention and spend more money on getting the public to be more active. (The Associated Press,美聯社) 名詞。縮寫為 SeDS。
    提交日期:2008-07-23   我要补充/纠错
  8. 二次童貞 [性活躍人士 (尤指女性) -- 說得白話一點就是有性生活的人士 -- 婚前禁慾一段時間所獲致的「處女狀態」]。 例句: Since July 26, three months to the day before she will say, "I do," she has been abstaining from sex with her live-in fiance, David Crawford, and plans to continue until after they are married. . . . These days, a period of "secondary virginity," as it is sometimes called, is increasingly the norm for many brides-to-be across the South, an accommodation to the modern reality of premarital sex and the traditional disapproval of it in the Bible Belt. (The New York Times,紐約時報) 名詞。這個片語還有幾個出現得比較早的同義詞:new virginity, neo-virginity, born-again virginity。secondary virgin 意為「二次處女」。紐約時報這篇報導的標題是 "It's Never Too Late To Be a Virgin",看了不禁令人莞爾。
    提交日期:2008-07-23   我要补充/纠错
  9. 螢幕病 名詞。一些網路迷在長時間上網瀏覽網站後所得到的病症,症狀包括頭部沈重、兩眼酸澀、手腕疼痛及腰酸背痛;又稱為 cyber shakes。
    提交日期:2008-07-23   我要补充/纠错
  10. 擁有或經營色情網站的婦女。 名詞。據報導,婦女已掌控色情業,現在控制逾 50% 的色情網站。
    提交日期:2008-07-23   我要补充/纠错