- 公司企業和政府部門總是不乏在上班時間玩電腦遊戲或其他娛樂軟體的人員,但他們被逮個正著的機率非常低,因為他們利用軟體所提供的電腦鍵盤上的某個按鍵來騙過上司;當上司走進或感覺有黑影靠近時,按一下這個鍵馬上可使螢幕畫面變回到試算表等指定工作的應用軟體畫面。這個按鍵就叫做 boss key。 其他: 名詞。亦稱為 B key。
- 太空旅館。 其他: 名詞。為太空觀光客設計的旅館,可能定期往返於地球、月球和火星之間。截至目前這還只是美國航太總署 (NASA) 研究人員的構想,但預測顯示,太空旅館將在 2040 年存在。我會提醒我的孫子為我訂位,慶祝我的 80 歲生日。
- 攻擊或抹黑對手,尤其是政治競選對手的傳真。 其他: 名詞。亦寫成 attack fax,而以傳真來攻擊或抹黑競選對手的行為稱為 fax attack;從事這種行為的人稱為 attack-faxer。與抹黑廣告 (attack ad) 一樣都屬不正當行為。
- 1. 欺壓其他女生的「大姊頭」。 2. 女生或女性團體中居主要或主導地位的成員。 例句: Citing new research on teenage relational aggression, a flurry of articles and books have appeared in recent weeks trumpeting the existence of the alpha girl (a k a the "really mean girl" or the "queen bee"), a supremely confident, domineering and manipulative teenager, whose main appeal seems to be her stereotypically masculine behavior. (The New York Times,紐約時報) 其他: 名詞。由例句可知,alpha girl 又叫做 really mean girl 或 queen bee。
- 對食物過敏症同學的霸凌行為 (用一個人 -- 尤指同學 -- 所過敏的食物來恫嚇或欺侮他或她的霸凌行為)。 例句: When Susan's son was 7, a classmate smeared peanut butter on his arm. A harmless prank, perhaps, for many kids. But for her son it was potentially life-threatening, due to his severe peanut allergy. ... Call it allergy bullying. Whether it's an extension of garden-variety bullying or a backlash against greater restrictions on peanuts in schools, parents of children with severe allergies say their kids are increasingly facing threats of being touched or, worse, forced to eat the food they have spent their lives avoiding. (The Globe and Mail, 環球郵報 -- 加拿大最具權威、最有影響力的報紙) 其他: 名詞。allergy bully (n.):對食物過敏症同學霸凌的人。
- 非洲裔歐洲人 (的),歐洲黑人 (的)。 其他: 形容詞,名詞。亦寫成 Afro-pean,由 Afro- + (Euro)pean 所組成,與 Afro-American [非洲裔美國人(的),美國黑人(的)] 的複合方式相似。注意: Afro-Asian 意為非洲與亞洲國家 (的),非洲與亞洲國家人民 (的)。
- 廣告空間逐漸擴展到非傳統表面 (如地板、廁所牆壁、汽車和建築物的側面) 的情況。 例句: Three California start-up companies are racing to turn the average person's car into an advertising vehicle. . . .Not everyone is thrilled with this phenomenon. "It's part of ad creep," says Gary Ruskin, head of nonprofit awareness group Commercial Alert. (The Wall Street Journal,華爾街日報)
- 居無定所,借住於親戚朋友的家 (通常睡在沙發上)。 例句: Instability led Crystal Toatley, 19, to homelessness. She left home about four years ago and ended up pregnant and couch hopping to and from the homes of friends and relatives. (Star Tribune,明星論壇報) 其他: 動詞。亦稱為 hidden homelessness。
- 量身定做、但看起來像普通衣服的高級時裝。 例句: It's simple. First, choose an off-the-rack handbag or pair of shoes. Then have the manufacturer make you a customized version of it (for an outlandish amount of money). The finished item may not look so very different from the store-bought version, but it's secretly special. This is covert couture — personalized luxe that does not scream a designer's name. (The New York Times,紐約時報) 其他: 名詞。全世界的名流們 (尤其是有錢的女性) 無不花費大筆金錢來購買高級時裝或其他奢侈品,以彰顯自己的尊榮華貴。然而,當有許多人同時擁有相同品牌的高級時裝、皮件或其他奢侈品時,那份與眾不同的特殊感也就蕩然不存了。所以越來越多的富婆量身定做看起來像普通衣服的高級時裝,以享受那份秘密的獨特性和特殊感。例句中的 "off-the-rack" 是指一般商店販賣的普通的現成貨 (如 "off-the-rack clothing/handbag/shoes"),與 "custom-made" 或 "tailor-made" 「量身定做的」正好是相反詞。
- 網路募款 (Web-based fundraising)。 例句: David Axe ... is a 30-year-old freelance war correspondent. On Saturday, he'll be getting on a plane and flying to Chad, where refugees from the Darfur genocide in neighbouring Sudan have been streaming across the border. His reporting will wind up in a handful of major news outlets, as well as on his blog. And he'd like you to help pay for his trip. "As attention gets diverted elsewhere, you have to scream a little bit louder," he tells me from Columbia, S.C. "So I'm just going to go and scream." To get that scream out, Axe has partnered with an online news outlet called the Guerrilla News Network (guerrillanews.com) to try Web-based fundraising for his online reporting. The word for it these days is "crowdfunding." He's looking for $2,000 (U.S.) in donations to help offset the cost. (The Globe and Mail,環球郵報) 其他: 動名詞/現在分詞。相關字:crowdfund (v.),crowdfunded (adj.)。說得更詳細一點,crowdfunding 就是利用網站或其他線上工具來募款,讓一群人出資贊助某一計畫或運動。