  1. neo ( 126 )
  2. xinci ( 78 )
  3. hunter ( 34 )
  4. xiyu ( 20 )
  5. Aaron ( 18 )
  6. sinple ( 11 )
  7. rain ( 9 )
  8. ly5230 ( 8 )
  9. apple ( 7 )
  10. more ( 6 )


  1. Read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles. read more books,and visit more places
    提交日期:2008-07-17   我要补充/纠错
  2. O the wind, the flowers, the snow, and the moon above - aren't they all romantic enough if all in your thought is love?
    提交日期:2008-07-17   我要补充/纠错
  3. At forty, I was free from delusion. 子曰:吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命, 六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲不窬矩。 Confucius said: At fifteen, I resolved to learn. At thirty, I established myself. At forty, I was free from delusion. At fifty, I knew my destiny. At sixty, I could tell truth in all I heard. At seventy, I could do as I wished without misstepping.
    提交日期:2008-07-17   我要补充/纠错
  4. No feast lasts forever; All good things must come to an end; The best of friends must part.
    提交日期:2008-07-17   我要补充/纠错
  5. Euphemism for being totally stressed out, for losing it. Makes reference to the unfortunate track record of postal employees who have snapped and gone on shooting rampages.
    提交日期:2008-07-17   我要补充/纠错
  6. A person who seems to thrive on being stressed out and whiny.
    提交日期:2008-07-17   我要补充/纠错
  7. A short-lived first marriage that ends in divorce with no kids, no property and no regrets.
    提交日期:2008-07-17   我要补充/纠错
  8. A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, shits on everything and then leaves.
    提交日期:2008-07-17   我要补充/纠错
  9. 共有的喪親之痛。 例句: The measure of communal bereavement that Catalano and Hartig use in their research is the prevalence of very low birth weight babies — babies born small as a result of premature labor, which can be induced by psychological stress. They wanted to know, as Catalano puts it, "How far away from the individuals who died can you be and still experience the bereavement response at a biological level?" Studying the effects of two national traumas in Sweden, and controlling for other variables, they found a 21 percent increase in very low birth weight babies after the assassination of Prime Minister Olof Palme, and a 15 percent increase after the ferry Estonia sank, killing hundreds of passengers. (The New York Times,紐約時報) 其他: 名詞。雖然不認識死者,但許多人在與聞某人或多人喪生時,心中都會油然而生有如自己喪失至親好友般的喪親之痛。1997 年英國黛安娜王妃之死、1999 年台灣 921大地震以及 2001年美國 911 恐怖攻擊造成數千人喪命的慘劇皆曾引發許多人的哀傷和悲痛,是 communal bereavement 的典型例子。
    提交日期:2008-07-17   我要补充/纠错
  10. 毒信 (內有有毒物質或被有毒物質,尤其是炭疽病毒,感染的信件)。 例句: Greg Poland, a professor of medicine and infectious diseases at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., said that although "no envelope is airtight" and any powder inside could be squeezed out in processing, the probability of a significant number of anthrax spores escaping is low. ... So far, he said, no anthrax cases have been caused by what he called "collateral mail." (The Washington Post,華盛頓郵報) 其他: 名詞。這個片語是根據 "collateral damage" -- 意為「在軍事行動中對平民的生命或財產所造成的非故意的損害」-- 一詞而來的;在此,collateral 的意思是 「附屬的,次要的」。
    提交日期:2008-07-17   我要补充/纠错