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词友 xinci 共贡献了78条词条!    

  1. Sichuan University
    提交日期:2008-09-10   我要补充/纠错
  2. 词性及解释 n. substitute teacher 例句 Substitute teachers will have a mixed future in Guangdong. 广东省的代课教师今后的道路将是喜忧参半。 substitute teacher就是“代课教师”的英文表达,维基百科上面对substitute teacher的定义是:a person who teaches a school class when the regular teacher is unavailable (e.g., because of illness, personal leave, or other reasons),从这里我们也看到,“正式在编教师”的英文表达就是regular teacher。不过,不同的国家对“代课教师”的说法也不尽相同,我们这里所说的substitute teacher在美国和加拿大比较常用,英国和爱尔兰通常用supply teacher来表示,而在澳大利亚和新西兰则更倾向于用relief teacher。
    提交日期:2008-09-09   我要补充/纠错
  3. 词性及解释 n. illegal fund-raising 例句 湖南开始彻查一起波及12家公司的非法集资案,该案件曾导致部分群众上访并聚集在接到、火车站,造成交通瘫痪及火车延误。 Local authorities in Hunan started probing into 12 companies involved in illegal fund-raising cases after a dispute led to lender's demonstration,blocking roads and railways.
    提交日期:2008-09-09   我要补充/纠错
  4. 生源地助学贷款 locally-granted student loan (China will promote locally-granted student loans across the nation when the new school semester starts in September. The new policy allows poverty-stricken students to apply for special loans at their hometown before they enter college. An individual student will be granted a maximum of RMB6000 for each year to cover their tuition and accommodation fees. 9月临近,新学年即将开始。教育部、财政部等共同开展的生源地助学贷款今秋开学起将向全国推广。按这一政策,家庭经济困难的高校学生入学前就可在生源地办理助学贷款。每个借款人每年申请贷款最高不超6000元,主要用于学费和住宿费。)
    提交日期:2008-09-05   我要补充/纠错
  5. 眼保健操 eye exercises (Primary and middle school students in Beijing will practise new eye exercises from this fall semester. The new version, based on traditional Chinese medical treatment, cancels the massaging of "Jingming" points which are located on both sides of the nasal bridge, to protect eyes from infection by hands. Instead, points on the ear lobes will be massaged, with toes bending. 《2008年新版眼保健操》将于新学年开始在北京市各中小学校使用。新版眼保健操根据中医经络理论编制,取消了"挤按睛明穴",因为这个穴位距眼球太近,手上细菌容易污染眼睛;增加了"按揉耳垂眼穴及脚趾抓地"等。)
    提交日期:2008-09-05   我要补充/纠错
  6. 学杂费 school sundry fees (School sundry fees for primary and middle school students in urban areas will be waived starting from today, when the fall semester begins, according to a resolution by the State Council. 据国务院决议,从2008年秋季学期开始,即今日起,在全国范围内全部免除城市义务教育阶段学生学杂费。)
    提交日期:2008-09-05   我要补充/纠错
  7. 谢亚龙下课 Sack Xie Yalong (After an Olympic break, the Chinese Super League matches resumed Saturday with okay tickets sales but embarrassing jeers from certain crowds. Fans in Chengdu and Xi'an attracted attention shouting "Sack Xie Yalong". Xie has been called to resign as the head of Chinese Football Association after China's national team was disqualified for the 2010 World Cup Finals and the Olympic squad's poor performance in August. 8月底,中超联赛结束间歇期重新开战,球市并不像人预想的低迷,但在成都赛区和西安赛区,现场一度响彻"谢亚龙下课"的声音。在国足兵败世界杯外围赛和国奥无缘奥运八强后,中国足协掌门人谢亚龙已在数场比赛(甚至包括奥运会男足半决赛)中被球迷喊下课。)
    提交日期:2008-09-05   我要补充/纠错
  8. 狐狸精 foxtrel (Japanese housewives used to swallow their anger when their husband had an affair or abused them but now they are brave enough to dump them thanks to the professional "foxtrels". When a woman can't maintain the marriage and it's hard to get a divorce, she can hire a foxtrel to seduce her husband. The foxtrels are so professional that they will do anything the job requires. 过去,日本主妇对丈夫的出轨或暴力只能忍气吞声。如今很多人则可以勇敢地甩掉他们。这一切得益于日本兴起的一种新职业:职业"狐狸精"。当有人跟配偶过不下去又不容易离婚时,就会雇佣她们来勾引自家老公。而"狐狸精"也十分敬业,为达目的什么都肯做。)
    提交日期:2008-09-05   我要补充/纠错
  9. lighting of the cauldron 2008年8月6日上午,北京奥运会主新闻中心举行发布会,主题是“北京奥运会开幕式已经准备好了”,发布会由奥组委新闻宣传部副部长孙伟德主持。他表示:点火仪式也包括最后一棒点燃火炬的人,永远是最核心的机密,而且永远是最后一刻才向全世界宣布的。 请看新华网的报道: With two days to go before the start of the Beijing Olympics, the organizers remain tightlipped about the details of thelighting of the cauldron at the opening ceremony and the identity of the last torch bearer. 在距离北京奥运会开幕只有两天的时候,奥组委方面坚持对点火仪式以及最后一棒火炬手的人选等细节严守秘密。 上述报道中,lighting of the cauldron是“点火仪式”的英文表达,cauldron在这里指的是“圣火盆”,Olympic cauldron就是“奥运圣火盆”;而用来点燃圣火盆的“奥运圣火”就是大家再熟悉不过的Olympic flame了。
    提交日期:2008-08-07   我要补充/纠错
  10. pay the bill
    提交日期:2008-07-22   我要补充/纠错