  1. neo ( 126 )
  2. xinci ( 78 )
  3. hunter ( 34 )
  4. xiyu ( 20 )
  5. Aaron ( 18 )
  6. sinple ( 11 )
  7. rain ( 9 )
  8. ly5230 ( 8 )
  9. apple ( 7 )
  10. more ( 6 )

词友 neo 共贡献了126条词条!    

  1. 不運動死亡综合症(成天吃垃圾食物又很少或不運動所造成的死亡)。 例句: Being fat and out of shape now has a name — sedentary death syndrome. A professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia said he invented the term to drive home his point that, in the United States, even the Grim Reaper is flabby. Frank W. Booth hopes to use the coinage, which he shortens to SeDS, to make the public and the federal government pay more attention and spend more money on getting the public to be more active. (The Associated Press,美聯社) 名詞。縮寫為 SeDS。
    提交日期:2008-07-23   我要补充/纠错
  2. 二次童貞 [性活躍人士 (尤指女性) -- 說得白話一點就是有性生活的人士 -- 婚前禁慾一段時間所獲致的「處女狀態」]。 例句: Since July 26, three months to the day before she will say, "I do," she has been abstaining from sex with her live-in fiance, David Crawford, and plans to continue until after they are married. . . . These days, a period of "secondary virginity," as it is sometimes called, is increasingly the norm for many brides-to-be across the South, an accommodation to the modern reality of premarital sex and the traditional disapproval of it in the Bible Belt. (The New York Times,紐約時報) 名詞。這個片語還有幾個出現得比較早的同義詞:new virginity, neo-virginity, born-again virginity。secondary virgin 意為「二次處女」。紐約時報這篇報導的標題是 "It's Never Too Late To Be a Virgin",看了不禁令人莞爾。
    提交日期:2008-07-23   我要补充/纠错
  3. 螢幕病 名詞。一些網路迷在長時間上網瀏覽網站後所得到的病症,症狀包括頭部沈重、兩眼酸澀、手腕疼痛及腰酸背痛;又稱為 cyber shakes。
    提交日期:2008-07-23   我要补充/纠错
  4. 擁有或經營色情網站的婦女。 名詞。據報導,婦女已掌控色情業,現在控制逾 50% 的色情網站。
    提交日期:2008-07-23   我要补充/纠错
  5. lack of credibility
    提交日期:2008-07-21   我要补充/纠错
  6. make its international debut debut指的是present/appear for the first time to the public,即“初次登场、亮相”的意思,make one's debut 也是这个意思。 除了debut以外,unveiling,launching,以及first appearance等都可以用来表示“初次发布、亮相”的意思。
    提交日期:2008-07-21   我要补充/纠错
  7. 3G版iPhone
    提交日期:2008-07-21   我要补充/纠错
  8. 普通人,经常在一起的人,普通情侣 Kind of funny, don’t you think? You and me sitting here like a couple of regular folk.  有点好笑,你不觉得嘛,你跟我好像普通情人一样坐在这里。 Although unlike most of us, who just get a day off for the fourth of July weekend the Senate went home yesterday for the Fourth of July holiday without doing jack to deal with the pressing economic conundrums facing regular folk like us.
    提交日期:2008-07-18   我要补充/纠错
  9. 按字母来评分的方式 比如:A, A+, B, B+
    提交日期:2008-07-18   我要补充/纠错
  10. A white metal alloy used for industrial casting.
    提交日期:2008-07-18   我要补充/纠错