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- 街頭特有的景物,如電線桿、路燈柱、書報攤、公共電話亭、長椅、巴士候車亭、垃圾箱等。 例句: While the value of some billboards is expected to grow, the industry expects future revenue growth to come from what's called street furniture—kiosks, trash cans, transit stops and other civic necessities upon which outdoor companies can plaster advertising. (Los Angeles Times,洛杉磯時報)
- 以街頭民眾來為產品代言的電視廣告。 越來越多的電視廣告不再以明星或名流來促銷產品,而是以訪問街頭行人的方式來為產品代言。
- 名詞 專為孕婦和帶有幼兒的婦女所保留的停車位。
- 名詞 前夫現任的太太;現任丈夫的前妻。 例句: "We never really knew what to call each other," Ms. Oxhorn-Ringwood said. "When Evan was a kid, I would call Louise my ex-husband's new wife, but after 10 years I couldn't do that anymore. We came up with stepwives to describe the relationship between ex-wives and current wives." (The New York Times,紐約時報) 亦寫成 step-wife。在 stepwife 出現後,以 step- 為首、用來表示「繼父」、「繼母」、「異父異母兄弟姊妹」或「夫與前妻或妻與前夫所生之小孩」等等意思的「姻親親屬」用字 -- 如 stepparent, stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, stepsister, stepchild, stepson, stepdaughter -- 尚差 "stepbusband" 就已全員到齊;日後若你見到 "stepbusband",它的意思一定是「前妻現任的丈夫;現任太太的前夫」。
- 形容詞 教導學生基本社交技巧的課程或班級的 例句: The Yerrabi Pathway social-skilling program had also been a great success, giving students basic understanding of how to listen and sit still in class. (The Canberra Times,坎培拉時報 _澳洲)
- 社會企業家 (利用商業方式成立和經營專門從事慈善事業或社會服務目的之公司的人士)。 例句: Kelly is one of 25 social entrepreneurs — do-gooders with business savvy as well as compassion. (The Denver Post,丹佛郵報)
- 連續企業家 (接二連三創立新公司的企業家)。 例句: I asked 15 or so well-connected people in the local tech community to talk about what trends, people and companies we should watch in 2001...Trends: There will be more serial entrepreneurs. Despite the carnage, some people can't help but start companies again. And again. (The Washington Post,華盛頓郵報)
- 1. 中產階級婦女 (住在郊區且有小孩的職業婦女),在美國選舉中被視為強有力的利益團體 (interest group)。 2. 非常重視小孩休閒活動,親自開車接送小孩參加運動、活動的母親。
- 破產的,倒閉的。 例句: "More than 200 dot-coms have already gone sneakers-up," said Roger McNamee, a general partner at venture capital firm Integral Capital Partners in January, "and my guess is that it will be a small multiple of that this year." (The National Post,全國郵報 -- 加拿大) 這個字來自另一意思相同的字 belly-up;它們幾乎都是與 "go" 連用,形成 "go sneakers-up" 和 "go belly-up (or belly up)" 等片語,與大家熟悉的 "go bankrupt" 同義。
- 在科技產業任職、經濟富裕的年輕人或青年。 例句: Those fears are miles away from the streets of Brookline, Mass., as agent Debbie Gordon steers her Jeep between listings, her two cell phones at the ready. Lately Gordon has been selling million-dollar homes to sneaker millionaires, her nickname for Boston's young fund managers and silicon CEOs. (Newsweek,新聞週刊)