词友 neo 共贡献了126条词条!
- 繞太陽軌道運行、形狀近似球體、與太陽的距離比海王星 (Neptune) 還要遠的天體 (celestial body)。 例句: Pluto is finally getting its day in the sun, after being stripped of planetary status by astronomers two years ago. From now on all similar distant bodies in the solar system will be called "plutoids." That's the decision by the International Astronomical Union, which met last week in Oslo, Norway, and announced the decision Wednesday (June 11, 2008). (The Associated Press, 美聯社) 其他: 名詞。 根據例句及其他資料,今後太陽系中所有類似的遙遠星體都將被叫做 plutoid,而這些星體是共用軌道的。另外,句中的 Pluto 就是「冥王星」。事實上,plutoid 這個字早在 1990 年代就已出現,當時一個名叫 Rex Pluto 的樂團習慣稱他們的粉絲為 plutoids;不過,當年的意思顯然與現在所言的 plutoid 截然不同。
- 最近失業者 (尤指因網路公司倒閉或裁員而失業的人) 所舉行的集會。 例句: Failure chic has spawned a cottage industry of failurenalia. Academics are writing books about failing. The VH-1 and E! Entertainment cable channels have shown programs about it. An Internet marketing firm called Thehiredguns.com sponsors pink-slip parties where casualties can get together and "dot-commiserate." (The New York Times,紐約時報) 其他: 名詞。pink slip:解雇通知單。
- 成人頻道 (色情有線頻道) 防止非訂戶收看的干擾信號。 例句: "We haven't seen him much since he discovered he can get the Picasso porn version of the Playboy channel."
- Law Department officials said many of the accidents either did not happen, or occurred only once, but the defendants created "phantom accidents" and filed false reports to collect insurance money. (Newsday,新聞日報)
- 寵物療法:在治療若干疾病或身體病症時,讓動物,尤其是寵貓或寵狗,陪伴病患。 其他: 名詞。亦稱 companion pet therapy。
- 兒童消費力;兒童吵著父母親購買東西的能力。 其他: 名詞。有些兒童以纏、黏、吵、哭的功夫叫父母親不得不掏出腰包購買他們平常壓根兒不會買的東西。
- 一種新娘送禮會 (bridal shower) -- 在此聚會中,新娘的親友送給新娘多年生植物 (perennial plants) 當禮物。 例句: Perennial showers are all the rage in the soon-to-marry crowd these days, and good landscape architects and designers are turning down multiple jobs each day. (The Globe and Mail,地球郵報) 其他: 名詞。shower 原本的意思為「為即將結婚或分娩的女士所舉行的送禮會」,從此衍生出 engagement shower (為訂婚的女士所舉行的送禮會),baby shower (為剛生小孩的新當母親者所舉行的送禮會) 和 perennial shower 等;在這些送禮會中,受禮者一定是女性。這些片語主要是美國的用語。
- 真人實境電視節目 (reality television shows -- 參見英文資料庫之歌臺舞榭群星會)。 例句: In days of yore, or at least in days of lore, beautiful young things who wanted a break in show business might be asked to gratify the libidinal fancies of a director or casting agent. The couch was a detour on the way to more savory things, the rung below the bottom rung on the ladder. The latest wave of peeping-Tom television, from "Joe Millionaire" to "Are You Hot?" reworks the old arrangement. Now the hopefuls have to tickle the libidos of the viewing masses. (The New York Times,紐約時報) 其他: 名詞。peeping-Tom TV 尤指著重於一般人私生活的實境節目,以滿足觀眾的「偷窺慾」。
- 根據家庭或公司製造的垃圾量來收取的費用;收取這種費用的計畫或方案。 例句: The north has trash issues, too. The EU has cited France and the Netherlands, among others, for failing to comply with landfill rules. A distrust of intrusive regulation has helped to keep Britain close to the bottom of the recycling league. Even so, dumping places are growing scarce. "Within nine years we won't have any holes left," says Sandra Issar of the Local Government Association in London. Her solution: some form of pay-as-you-throw tax that charges householders according to the amount dumped. (Newsweek, 新聞週刊) -- March 5, 2007 其他: 名詞。亦縮寫成 PAYT。pay-as-you-throw (或 PAYT) (adj.):根據家庭或公司製造的垃圾量來收取的 (如例句) 。
- 愛國駭客 (試圖滲透或癱瘓被認為與其國家敵對的人或組織的電腦系統的駭客)。 例句: In an advisory posted on an FBI Web site, officials warned Internet service providers worldwide to be on the lookout for "self-described 'patriot' hackers [targeting] those perceived to be responsible for the terrorist attacks" of the Pentagon and World Trade Center. (Los Angeles Times,洛杉磯時報) 其他: 名詞。亦寫成 (如美聯社) patriotic hacker。