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- v. To spin a story by not doing any spinning at all. Example Citation: "The benefits of spin were being canceled out by the press's resistance to it. Often we reacted by spinning even harder, but I was beginning to see the virtue in just letting stories go—Zen spin." —George Stephanopoulos, All Too Human
- n. An incoming e-mail message without any body text or attachments. Example Citation: "Most people get annoyed when they receive an empty e-mail message ('What clueless luser sent me *this*!'), but Zeke rather enjoyed them and looked upon them as Zen mail—the perfect meditation object." Related Words: barfmail fright mail webmail Category: E-mail
- n. 富裕病 (因财富过多而引起的精神病态) n. An extreme form of materialism in which consumers overwork and accumulate high levels of debt to purchase more goods (affluence + influenza). Example Citation: Our society is more troubled by problems of overabundance. We are three times richer than in the 1950s, and diseases particular to "affluenza" clog our social and individual arteries. We are more overworked, more stressed, more depressed and much fatter. ... Critiques of affluenza go deeper than puritanical dismay at the aggressive vulgarity of materialism. The centrepiece of the argument is that we are obsessed privately with more income and better goods, and collectively with "growth" and "progress". Yet all the scholarly work on well-being shows that after passing a benchmark of real deprivation, greater prosperity does not lead to increased happiness. —Anne Manne, "Sell Your Soul And Spend, Spend, Spend," Syndey Morning Herald, April 14, 2003
- n. 网络草根运动 (周玉亮 首译)通过互联网交流、组织、筹集经费等开展的草根运动。 A grassroots movement that uses the Internet to communicate, organize, and raise money. Also: Netroots. Example Citations: Democratic congressional candidate Darcy Burner ... followed her husband to Washington state in 1998 when he was hired at Microsoft; she landed a job there in 2000, working as a marketing manager dealing in network architecture for software developers. ... What has made Burner different from other political newcomers is her ability to attract campaign contributions (she's outraised her opponent, a rarity for congressional challengers). And she owes a good part of her fundraising success to her links to the netroots. "She's one of us," Seattle blogger David Goldstein, who has solicited contributions to Burner on his Web site, horsesass.org, said earlier this year. "Down deep, she's a geek." —Gregory Roberts, "Darcy Burner's interest in service started early," The Seattle Post-Intelligencer," October 29, 2008
- n. Philanthropy that uses the principles, models, and techniques of capitalism. Also: philanthro-capitalism. [Blend of philanthropy and capitalism.] —philanthrocapitalist n. Example Citations: Much of the strength of the philanthrocapitalism movement lies in the effort to remodel the philanthropic paradigm, and to offer a new vocabulary, a new mind-set, and new mechanisms for approaching traditional work. Reform of the philanthropic sector was, no doubt, long overdue. But the risk of advocating philanthrocapitalism without skepticism is that the movement could devolve into something like Tom Lehrer's old joke about the new math: that it could become more important to "understand what you're doing rather than to get the right answer." —Richard Tofel, "The New Face of Philanthropy," The New York Sun, September 26, 2008
- noun 过劳一族 A segment of society in which the chief characteristic is the desire or need to work long hours. "Before too long, the idea of the 'working class' will vanish and society will split into two camps: the overworking class —people with too much on their plate—and the underworking class—people with not enough to keep them busy."
- Halloween 万圣节 在每年的11月01日是西方传统的“鬼节”——万圣节。10月31日是万圣节前夕.通常叫做万圣节前夜.不过这一天的气氛却远不像它的名称那样让人听上去就“毛骨悚然”。每当万圣节到来,孩子们都会迫不及待地穿上五颜六色的化妆服,戴上千奇百怪的面具,提着一盏“杰克灯”走家窜户,向大人们索要节日的礼物。万圣节最广为人知的象征也正是这两样——奇异的“杰克灯”和“表演魔术或者给糖果”的恶作剧。 “杰克灯”的样子十分可爱,做法也极为简单。将南瓜掏空,然后在外面刻上笑眯眯的眼睛和大嘴巴,再在瓜中插上一支蜡烛,把它点燃,人们在很远的地方便能看到这张憨态可掬的笑脸。这可是孩子们最喜欢的玩物了。 然而万圣节的重头戏还是在餐桌上,你既要准备好美食来招待那些前来捣乱的“小鬼”,更要在这个特别的节日为你的餐桌装扮一番。千万不要让你的客人们小瞧了你哦! 一年中最“闹鬼”这天夜里,各种妖魔鬼怪、海盗、外星来客和巫婆们纷纷出动。在基督纪元以前,凯尔特人在夏未举行仪式感激上苍和太阳的恩惠。当时的占卜者点燃并施巫术以驱赶据说在四周游荡的妖魔怪。后来罗马人用果仁和苹果来庆祝的丰收节与凯尔特人的10月31日溶合了。在中世纪,人们穿上动物造型的服饰、戴上可怕的面具是想在万圣节前夜驱赶黑夜中的鬼怪。尽管后来基督教代替了凯尔特和罗马的宗教活动,早期的习俗还是保留下来了。现在,孩子们带着开玩笑的心理穿戴上各种服饰和面具参加万圣节舞会,这些舞会四周的墙上往往悬挂着用纸糊的巫婆、黑猫、鬼怪和尸骨,窗前和门口则吊着龇牙裂嘴或是面目可憎的南瓜灯笼。孩子们还常常试图咬住悬挂着的苹果。 【背景知识】 Halloween is a night when, across America, fantasies come to life. Lower Manhattan is no exception as New Yorkers turn out en masse to the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade. They come for the entertainment to see the parade's signature papier-mache puppet bobbing above the crowds, and to indulge in an elaborate game of dress-up. Everyday rules are temporarily suspended and thousands of costumed New Yorkers parade in the streets without fear of being judged. Men in hats (and little else) walk alongside kazoo-playing old ladies. No one is worried by the bizarre or weird, because at the Village Parade, Halloween is a night when anything goes. Anything but crime, that is. Halloween, a night of mayhem in most other U.S. cities, is peaceful in Greenwich Village. The joyous spirit of the partygoers results in a night when crime is lower than on any other night of the year. This proves, in more ways than one, that Halloween is when one's wildest fantasies can come true for New Yorkers. 全美各地,万圣节是一个梦想成真的夜晚。当纽约人全体涌向格林威治村举办的万圣节游行时,下曼哈顿也不例外。他们为了娱乐前去观赏游行的重头戏纸糊木偶在人群中晃动,同时也纵情于一场别出心裁的化装游戏。 平时的规矩暂时被搁在一边,数以千计盛装的纽约人在街上游行,无畏他人评判的眼光。男人会戴着帽子(穿得很少)一路走在吹笛的老妇身边。没有人会担心这些怪人或异类,因为在这次游行中,万圣节是一个为所欲为的晚上。 也就是说,除了犯罪什么都可以做。万圣节当晚,美国其他多数城市处于一片混乱时,格林威治村却很安宁。聚会狂欢者玩得很尽兴,使当晚的犯罪率比同年其他夜晚要低。这也从各方面证明了,对纽约人而言万圣节是把各种天马行空的幻想化为现实的一刻。
- 亚欧首脑会议 词性及解释 n. ASEM:Asia-Europe Meeting 例句: 第七届亚欧首脑会议在北京召开。 The Seventh Asia-Europe Meeting is held in Beijing,China. 亚欧首脑会议是亚欧各国增进共识、加强合作的一个重要平台。 ASEM provides an important platform for countries in Asia and Europe to broaden mutual understanding and strengthen cooperation.
- 肾结石
- Google浏览器,又称Google Chrome,是一个由Google(谷歌)公司开发的开放原始码网页浏览器。本软体的程式码是基於其他开放原始码软体所撰写,包括WebKit和Mozilla,目标是提升稳定性、速度和安全性,并创造出简单且有效率的使用者界面[1]。软体的名称是来自於又称作「Chrome」的网路浏览器图形使用者界面(GUI)。 软体的beta测试版本在2008年9月2日释出,提供43种语言版本,目前仅适用於Windows平台。Mac OS X和Linux版本正在研发中,并将於日後推出[2][3][4]。 Chrome受欢迎的七条理由 1、不会崩溃 Chrome最大的亮点就是其多进程架构,保护浏览器不会因恶意网页和应用软件而崩溃。每个标签、窗口和插件都在各自的环境中运行,因此一个站点出了问题不会影响打开的其它站点。通过将每个站点和应用软件限制在一个封闭的环境中,这种架构进一步提高了系统的安全性。 2、速度相当快 由于采用多进程架构,一个站点的加载速度较慢不会拖累对其它站点的访问。用户可以毫不费力地 点击其它标签或窗口。对于插件也是如此,例如,如果用户打开的一个站点包含有加载速度较慢的Java广告,Java代码本身将被隔离起来,网页的其它部分 不会受到影响。点击图标后,Chrome在数秒钟内就能启动——远远领先于一些竞争对手。 3、几乎完全隐身 说Chrome的界面简洁不足以说明其简洁程度。Chrome几乎不像是一款应用软件,屏幕 的绝大多数空间都被用于显示用户访问的站点,屏幕上不会显示Chrome的按钮和标志。Chrome的设计人员表示,他们希望用户忘记自己在使用一款浏览 器软件。他们的目标基本上实现了。 4、搜索更为简单 Chrome的标志性功能之一是Omnibox——位于浏览器顶部的一款通用工具条。用户可 以在Omnibox中输入网站地址或搜索关键字,或者同时输入这两者,Chrome会自动执行用户希望的操作。Omnibox能够了解用户的偏好,例如, 如果一名用户喜欢使用PCWorld.com的搜索功能,一旦用户访问该站点,Chrome会记得PCWorld.com有自己的搜索框,并让用户选择是 否使用该站点的搜索功能。如果用户选择使用PCWorld.com的搜索功能,系统将自动执行搜索操作。 5、用户将对标签有更多掌控 Chrome为标签式浏览提供了新功能。用户可以“抓住”一个标签,并将它拖放到单独的窗口中。用户可以在一个窗口中整合多个标签。Chrome在启动时可以使用用户喜欢的某个标签的配置,其它浏览器需要第三方插件才能够提供这一功能。 一般预估,Google Chrome是Google公司扩张互联网控制力的重要战略举措。Google公司一面扶持Mozilla Firefox,一面开发自有的Google Chrome浏览器,将对微软公司仍然占据统治地位的Internet Explorer产生深远且致命的打击。而且,随着软件web化,新的浏览器很有可能实现很多人期望的Google操作系统的类似功能,从而取代微软公司在个人电脑方面的霸主地位。